
Products Cefalexin is commercially available as a veterinary drug in the form of tablets, chewable tablets, and suspensions. It is available both as a monopreparation (e.g., Cefacat, Cefadog) and in combination with kanamycin (Ubrolexin). It has been approved in many countries since 1986. Structure and properties Cefalexin (C16H17N3O4S , Mr = 347.4 g/mol) exists as … Cefalexin

Green Amanita Mushroom

Mushroom The green tuberous-leaf mushroom of the Amanitaceae family is native to Europe and grows under oaks, beeches, sweet chestnuts and other deciduous trees. It is also found on other continents. The fruiting body is white and the cap has a greenish color. The less poisonous fly agaric also belongs to the same family. Ingredients … Green Amanita Mushroom

Ear Drops

Products In many countries, only a few ear drops are currently on the market. They are also produced in pharmacies themselves. Structure and properties Ear drops are solutions, emulsions, or suspensions containing one or more active ingredients in liquids suitable for use in the ear canal. These include, for example, water, glycols, glycerol, propylene glycol, … Ear Drops

Antibiotic Eye Drops to treat Bacterial Eye Infections

Products Eye drops containing antibiotics are available from various manufacturers in pharmacies. They are also combined with other active ingredients such as glucocorticoids fix. Structure and properties The drops contain antibiotics from different chemical groups (see below). Effects Depending on the active ingredient, the antibiotics have bacteriostatic to bactericidal properties, meaning they inhibit the growth … Antibiotic Eye Drops to treat Bacterial Eye Infections


Products Cefixime was commercially available in tablet form (Cephoral). It had been approved in many countries since 1992. Structure and properties Cefixime (C16H15N5O7S2, Mr = 453.4 g/mol) is a white powder that is sparingly soluble in water. It is a semisynthetic cephalosporin. In medicinal products, it is anhydrous. Effects Cefixime (ATC J01DD08) is bactericidal against … Cefixime


Symptoms Impetigo is a highly contagious superficial skin infection observed in two main clinical manifestations. It mainly affects children between 2-6 years of age and infants.In small vesicular (non-bullous) impetigo contagiosa, reddened patches appear that rapidly develop into small vesicles and pustules, break open, and release a cloudy yellowish fluid. This leads to the typical … Impetigo

Acute Otitis Externa

Symptoms Acute otitis externa is an inflammation of the external auditory canal. The pinna and eardrum may also be involved. Possible symptoms include itching, ear pain, skin redness, swelling, a feeling of fullness and pressure, impaired hearing, and a discharge. Fever and swelling of the lymph nodes may also occur. Pain worsens with chewing. Complications: … Acute Otitis Externa

Barleycorn (Hordeolum)

Symptoms A barleycorn (Hordeolum, from Latin , barley) manifests as an inflammatory and painful swelling of an eyelid margin gland on the edge of the eyelid or on the inner side of the eyelid with redness and pus formation. Other possible symptoms include an uncomfortable foreign body sensation, lidoedema, eye tearing, irritation, and conjunctivitis. Styes … Barleycorn (Hordeolum)