What should be considered when choosing a childminder? | Childminder

What should be considered when choosing a childminder? When choosing a childminder, it is extremely important that the childminder is empathetic and sensitive to the needs of the child. Affectionate care is essential for the little children. In addition, there are a few important aspects when choosing the right childminder: Does the child get enough … What should be considered when choosing a childminder? | Childminder

Problems with falling asleep of the baby at 6 months | Problems with baby falling asleep

Problems with falling asleep of the baby at 6 months Especially in the first year of life most babies have problems falling asleep. While in the first 3 months almost everything revolves around satisfying basic human needs, such as food intake, sufficient sleep and rest, as well as physical attention, the child’s needs gradually change … Problems with falling asleep of the baby at 6 months | Problems with baby falling asleep

Problems with falling asleep in the baby at 12 months | Problems with baby falling asleep

Problems with falling asleep in the baby at 12 months At the age of 12 months the child’s need for sleep is reduced to about 14 hours. Most babies can already sleep through the night at this age and do not wake up regularly during the night. To counteract problems in falling asleep at this … Problems with falling asleep in the baby at 12 months | Problems with baby falling asleep

Sleeping table – how long does a baby sleep? | Problems with baby falling asleep

Sleeping table – how long does a baby sleep? Newborns (until the 28th day of life): With 6 weeks: With 3 months: With 6 months: With 9 months: With 12 months: These figures are average values which can vary individually for each baby. Every baby is different and has an individual congenital need for sleep. … Sleeping table – how long does a baby sleep? | Problems with baby falling asleep

Male Friendships

It usually starts with quiet unease: “I noticed that my girlfriend often talked badly about others – even about closest confidants. That made me suspicious: How does she actually talk about me?” says 50-year-old Ute. “Then she stood me up several times and forgot my birthday. When I wanted to meet with her, she had … Male Friendships

The diaphragmatic breathing

Introduction Diaphragmatic breathing or synonymously also called “abdominal breathing” is one of two ways of breathing besides chest breathing. Medically, it is not correct to equate diaphragmatic breathing with abdominal breathing, but both terms are used in the same sense. Breathing with the diaphragm is an automatic, unconscious process. You do not have to think … The diaphragmatic breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing exercises | The diaphragmatic breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing exercises To breathe more consciously with the diaphragm there are some exercises. If possible, find a quiet place to consciously perceive the diaphragmatic breathing. Exercise 1: Lie down flat on the floor or sit upright on a chair, put your hand on your stomach and breathe deeply into your stomach so that you … Diaphragmatic breathing exercises | The diaphragmatic breathing