Complications of the pubic bone branch fracture | Pubic bone branchial fracture

Complications of the pubic bone branch fracture Unfortunately, some unpleasant complications can occur with a pubic bone branchial fracture. One of them is massive bleeding due to torn veins. Injured soft tissues and organs such as the bladder or internal genitals can delay the healing process and, under certain circumstances, result in permanent functional and … Complications of the pubic bone branch fracture | Pubic bone branchial fracture

Duration of pubic pain during pregnancy | Pain in the pubic bone during pregnancy

Duration of pubic pain during pregnancy The duration of pubic pain during pregnancy can vary, as the pain can occur at different times during pregnancy. Many pregnant women notice the pain from about halfway through the pregnancy or only in the last third of the pregnancy. Sometimes, however, pubic bone pain can also occur in … Duration of pubic pain during pregnancy | Pain in the pubic bone during pregnancy

How is pubic pain diagnosed? | Pain in the pubic bone during pregnancy

How is pubic pain diagnosed? The diagnosis of pubic bone pain during pregnancy is primarily based on the medical history, i.e. the doctor-patient conversation. During this discussion, further details, such as the type of pain and when it occurs, can be clarified. In addition, a physical examination with palpation of the pubic bone can be … How is pubic pain diagnosed? | Pain in the pubic bone during pregnancy

Which doctor treats pubic bone pain during pregnancy? | Pain in the pubic bone during pregnancy

Which doctor treats pubic bone pain during pregnancy? If pubic pain occurs during pregnancy, there are several doctors who can help you. In some cases, gynecologists can already provide helpful tips. Alternatively, orthopaedic surgeons can also be considered. These can, for example, write a prescription for physiotherapeutic treatment and advise on a support belt. Occasionally … Which doctor treats pubic bone pain during pregnancy? | Pain in the pubic bone during pregnancy

Common diseases | Large adductor muscle (M. adductor magnus)

Common diseases Due to its above-mentioned importance for the adductor canal, the large adductor muscle also plays a role in clinical pictures involving this canal. The large leg artery (Arteria femoralis) running through the canal is often affected by arteriosclerotic constrictions or occlusions. It is assumed that the narrowing of the adductor canal plays an … Common diseases | Large adductor muscle (M. adductor magnus)

Mons pubis

Definition The term mons pubis (also: mons pubis, Venus hill, mons pubis, mons pubis) is used to describe a bulge in a woman that is located above the pubic bone (Os pubis) or the vulva. Position of the mons pubis The mons veneris begins where the labia majora pudendi meet (commissura labiorum anterior) and then … Mons pubis

Pubic bone

General information The pubic bone (lat. Os pubis) is a flat bone and part of the pelvis. It occurs on both sides of the pelvis and is connected in the midline by the pubic symphysis. It is divided into a pubic bone body (Corpus ossis pubis) and two pubic branches (ramus superior and inferior of … Pubic bone