Diagnosis of ankle pain | Ankle pain

Diagnosis of ankle pain The diagnosis of ankle pain is initially made clinically based on the medical history.If a chronic event is suspected, further clarification is carried out by examining the blood and determining the inflammation parameters in the blood. For sports injuries, the ultrasound machine and x-ray imaging are the means of choice. Torn … Diagnosis of ankle pain | Ankle pain

Prognosis | Ankle pain

Prognosis While arthritis and arthrosis are chronic conditions that can currently only be treated symptomatically and not causally, sports injuries are relatively uncomplicated injuries. As a rule, several weeks of rest are sufficient to restore full resilience and stability.However, jogging should definitely be paused for some time, as otherwise the complaints can become chronic. Rheumatism … Prognosis | Ankle pain

Ankle pain

Introduction Ankle pain is pain that occurs relatively frequently due to the daily stresses to which the foot is subjected. They occur because the ankle, as the upper part of the ankle joint, is almost continuously exposed to forces, whether running, walking or standing. On closer inspection, we have two ankles on each side, the … Ankle pain

Symptoms | Ankle pain

Symptoms Ankle pain can be chronic or acute. In acute cases, the patient can usually determine the cause himself. If the ankle is twisted while walking, followed by severe ankle pain, it may be a torn ligament. Symptoms of this are sudden, severe pain in the ankle, which radiates in a planar manner. Immediate swelling … Symptoms | Ankle pain

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Definition ITBS is the abbreviation for the “Iliotibial Band Syndrome”. Colloquially it is also called “runner’s knee” or “tractus syndrome“. It is an inflammation of the tendon in the area of the knee. The tendon, which is called the “tractus iliotibialis” in the technical language, plays a role in stabilizing the knee joint, straightening the … Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Tractus Syndrome

Synonyms Runner’s knee, runner’s knee, ilio-tibial ligament syndrome, friction syndrome Definition A tractus syndrome is a pain syndrome, mainly caused by overstrain, which spreads mainly in the area of the outside of the knee and Pain and Can cause movement impairments. Causes In order to ensure the movement of the lower extremity, muscles and their … Tractus Syndrome