The Logi Method

What is the Logi method? The Logi method represents a carbohydrate-poor nourishing form, which is based on nourishing recommendations for over-weighty children and young people of the adiposity outpatient clinic of the Harvard university child hospital. The aim is to offer a healthy diet that also allows you to lose weight without starving. The German … The Logi Method

Side effect | The Logi Method

Side effect A common side effect can be caused by the numerous dietary fibers that are present in vegetables in large quantities. Since low-starch fruit and vegetables form the basis of the nutrition pyramid in the Logi Method, more dietary fiber is absorbed with the food. Dietary fibers have the property that they are difficult … Side effect | The Logi Method

What alternative diets are available to the Logi Method? | The Logi Method

What alternative diets are available to the Logi Method? Diets similar to the Logi Method are the Montignac Method and the Glyx Diet. The Montignac Method provides for a carbohydrate-conscious diet that lowers insulin levels and thus normalizes blood sugar levels. This diet distinguishes between “good” carbohydrates with a low glycemic index and “bad” carbohydrates … What alternative diets are available to the Logi Method? | The Logi Method

Is it possible to be vegan/vegetarian? | The Logi Method

Is it possible to be vegan/vegetarian? Vegan nutrition avoids strictly animal food and is therefore usually carbohydrate-rich, similar to vegetarian nutrition. Here there are nevertheless possibilities to carry out the Logi method vegan or vegetarian after the Low Carb principle. This works if protein suppliers such as dairy products are replaced by foods containing soya, … Is it possible to be vegan/vegetarian? | The Logi Method

Mayo diet

What is the Mayo diet? The Mayo diet is a method of weight loss based on the low carb method. The diet got its name from the American Mayo Clinic, which denies having published such a program. Eggs are the main foodstuff along with fish and lean meat, sugar is only allowed in the form … Mayo diet

Weight loss with hypnosis

Introduction Losing weight with hypnosis is about changing deeply rooted behavioural habits. This often involves hidden snacks in between or hearty meals with which you reward yourself. In conventional diets, people avoid many foods and often feel that something is taken away from them. This negative effect is avoided with hypnosis. Instead, the hypnotherapist tries … Weight loss with hypnosis

Does the health insurance company participate if I want to lose weight with hypnosis? | Weight loss with hypnosis

Does the health insurance company participate if I want to lose weight with hypnosis? In general, hypnotherapy is unfortunately only covered by the statutory health insurance companies in exceptional cases on application. The regulations for the coverage of hypnotherapy costs vary greatly among private insurance companies. It makes sense to inform yourself about the possibilities … Does the health insurance company participate if I want to lose weight with hypnosis? | Weight loss with hypnosis

What is the alternative to losing weight with hypnosis? | Weight loss with hypnosis

What is the alternative to losing weight with hypnosis? There are numerous alternatives to losing weight with hypnosis. Various diets make it possible to fight overweight over a period of several months and offer themselves as an introduction to a permanently healthy, balanced lifestyle. In order to actively boost the metabolism and achieve a very … What is the alternative to losing weight with hypnosis? | Weight loss with hypnosis