Restricted movement | ITBS-Iliotibial Band Syndrome Symptoms/Pain

Restricted movement Pain in the iliotibial band syndrome can cause protective tension in the muscles involved – a natural reaction of the human body. This affects the gluteal muscles of the buttocks and the musculus tensor fasciae latae, which runs along the lateral thigh. The consequence of this protective tension is reduced mobility in flexion … Restricted movement | ITBS-Iliotibial Band Syndrome Symptoms/Pain

Painkillers | ITBS-Iliotibial Band Syndrome Symptoms/Pain

Painkillers Typically, in the initial phase of an acute iliotibial band syndrome, painkillers such as ibuprufen or diclofenac are used. These drugs also have an anti-inflammatory function. A local application by means of an ointment should be preferred, as this way no negative side effects on internal organs (kidney, liver, heart) can occur. A combination … Painkillers | ITBS-Iliotibial Band Syndrome Symptoms/Pain

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Definition ITBS is the abbreviation for the “Iliotibial Band Syndrome”. Colloquially it is also called “runner’s knee” or “tractus syndrome“. It is an inflammation of the tendon in the area of the knee. The tendon, which is called the “tractus iliotibialis” in the technical language, plays a role in stabilizing the knee joint, straightening the … Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Snapping hip

Snap hip (Latin: coxa saltans) is a rare orthopedic disease of the hip. In some cases it is also referred to as “Amon’s snapping hip”, although it is the same clinical picture. As a sign of a snapping hip, movements in the hip usually result in a palpable and audible “snapping” with possible additional pain. … Snapping hip

Diagnostics | Snapping hip

Diagnostics The diagnosis of snapping hip or coxa saltans can be made by a clinical examination of the patient. The hip is moved by the examiner until the symptoms appear. A palpation of the hip region is also necessary in order not to overlook an accompanying bursitis at the hip (Bursitis subcutanea trochanterica). In this … Diagnostics | Snapping hip

Tractus iliotibialis

The tractus iliotibialis is an anatomical structure that serves to reinforce the so-called fascia lata. The fascia lata itself is a kind of connective tissue sheath to cover the outer thigh muscles. The actual function of the tractus iliotibialis is to provide a “tension belt” against laterally oriented physical forces. The term “tension belt” is … Tractus iliotibialis