Molle’s Ulcer: Drug Therapy

Therapeutic targets Elimination of the pathogens Avoidance of complications Partner management, i.e. infected partners, if any, must be located and treated (contacts must be traced for 10 days). Therapy recommendations Antibiosis (antibiotic therapy/first-line agent: azithromycin (macrolide) as a single dose; also ceftriaxone, if necessary); alternatively, erythromycin (macrolide antibiotic) or ciprofloxacin (antibiotic from the fluoroquinolone group). … Molle’s Ulcer: Drug Therapy

COVID-19: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate SARS-CoV-2 (novel coronavirus: 2019-nCoV) or COVID-19 (corona virus disease 2019): Prodromal symptoms (precursor symptoms). Fever > 38 °C, chills (98.6%) (on admission to hospital: 43.8%; during hospitalization: 88.7%)Note: some patients experience nausea (nausea) and diarrhea (diarrhea) before the onset of fever General feeling of illness Myalgia (muscle pain) … COVID-19: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

Huntington’s Disease: Medical History

Medical history (history of illness) represents an important component in the diagnosis of Huntington’s disease. Family history Are there any hereditary diseases in your family? Are there any neurological diseases in your family? Social anamnesis Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological complaints). Do you suffer from involuntary, uncoordinated movements, especially of the arms and … Huntington’s Disease: Medical History

Orgasm Disorder: Diagnostic Tests

Optional medical device diagnostics – depending on the results of the history, physical examination, laboratory diagnosticsand obligatory medical device diagnostics – for differential diagnostic clarification. Abdominal sonography (ultrasound examination of abdominal organs) – for suspected adhesions (adhesions), tumor diseases. Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen (abdominal CT)/pelvis (pelvic CT). Magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen … Orgasm Disorder: Diagnostic Tests

Haemophilus Influenzae: Prevention

Hib vaccination (protective vaccination against the Haemophilus influenzae type b bacterium) is the most important and effective preventive measure against Haemophilus influenzae type b. To prevent Haemophilus influenzae infection, attention must be paid to reducing risk factors. Behavioral risk factors Droplet infection Contact infection Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) Post-exposure prophylaxis is the provision of medication to … Haemophilus Influenzae: Prevention

Thyroid Cancer (Thyroid Carcinoma): Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases (E00-E90). Focal thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland). Struma nodosa (nodular goiter) Thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland) Neoplasms – tumor diseases (C00-D48) Follicular adenomas (benign tumor originating from the follicular epithelium). Follicular thyroid carcinoma (about 30%). Lymphoma Medullary thyroid carcinoma (C-cell carcinoma; about 5%). Papillary thyroid carcinoma (about 60%). … Thyroid Cancer (Thyroid Carcinoma): Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Excessive Thirst (Polydipsia): Medical History

Medical history (history of illness) represents an important component in the diagnosis of polydipsia (excessive thirst). Family history Social history Current anamnesis/systemic anamnesis (somatic and psychological complaints). How long have you been suffering from increased thirst? How many liters do you drink on average per day in the process? Do you always drink a lot, … Excessive Thirst (Polydipsia): Medical History

Vocal Frenulum Spasm (Laryngospasm): Causes

Pathogenesis (development of disease) Laryngospasm is caused by closure of the glottis (voice-forming part of the larynx) due to reflex constriction (tightening) of the laryngeal muscles. Glottis closure may be complete or partial. Etiology (Causes) Behavioral causes Parental smoking Disease-related causes Respiratory system (J00-J99) Airway irritation caused by airway protection (endotracheal tube, laryngeal mask), suctioning, … Vocal Frenulum Spasm (Laryngospasm): Causes

Sinusitis: Medical History

The medical history (anamnesis) represents an important component in the diagnosis of sinusitis (sinusitis/inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses) or rhinosinusitis (simultaneous inflammation of the nasal mucosa (“rhinitis”) and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses (“sinusitis“)). Family history Is there a history of frequent upper respiratory tract infections in … Sinusitis: Medical History