Treat nail fungus with varnish

Nail fungus is a fungal disease that can affect toenails and fingernails. The most common way of contracting the disease is in swimming pools, or by wearing wet or too tight shoes. If only individual nails are affected, and less than 70% of the nail bed is affected, it is possible to treat the fungus with a nail polish.

This special varnish against nail fungus is based on

  • Bifonazole
  • Clotrimazole
  • Ciclopirox or
  • Amorolfin.

All these substances belong to the group of antimycotics and are therefore effective against the fungus. Which special active substance must be contained in the nail fungus varnish individually, in order to obtain its effect depends on the kind of the nail fungus. For this either a small sample of the nail must be taken and examined under a microscope, or the treating physician recognizes the fungus already due to the nail infestation.

The nail fungus – varnish can be used over a longer period of time on the nails. Possibly the nail must be roughened or softened before the treatment, so that the antimycotic active substances can penetrate into the nail bed. Then the nail polish is applied repeatedly to the affected nails.

The nail polish is waterproof and transparent, so it does not interfere or lose its effect through water. The active ingredients of the nail polish are released immediately after application. So the nail polish works on the nail edge and on the nail bed.

Since the nail fungus varnish is transparent, it can also be applied by men without problems. Furthermore, the effect is not hindered by the application of a colored lacquer, so that the nails can be painted despite the nail fungus. In order to treat the nail fungus completely, it is advisable to apply the nail fungus varnish for a few days after the nails have healed and the symptoms have disappeared. This ensures that the nail fungus has healed completely and does not reappear.