Up to which month should you train? | Back training during pregnancy

Up to which month should you train?

There are a few points to consider when training your back. Firstly, you should only train as long and as often as your own well-being allows.In case of pain or discomfort, the training should be stopped or the intensity reduced. In addition, during pregnancy it should be ensured that from the 4th month onwards, depending on the individual’s condition, no more exercises should be done in the prone or supine position.

The baby’s weight is now so high that internal organs could be compressed. This causes pain or can lead to functional impairment of the respective organ. Exercises that can take place in a standing, kneeling or sitting position may continue until the pregnant woman no longer feels comfortable with them, the doctor prohibits them or complications arise.

General strength training during pregnancy

In principle, there is nothing wrong with strength training during pregnancy. It keeps the circulation going and, above all, stabilizing exercises for the trunk can have positive effects for the birth and aftercare. The training makes it easier for the woman to handle the higher body weight.

It is recommended to train the back and trunk in particular, since the additional weight of the child often causes back pain and tension. Targeted strength training for the back, trunk and pelvic floor can make everyday life and birth much easier for pregnant women. Strength training can be done on machines, with small equipment and other aids or with the patient’s own body weight.

The woman should make sure that the weights are moderate and that the load is not too high. If the pregnant woman wants to train her abdominal muscles, this should be done carefully. It is important to differentiate between the oblique and the straight abdominal muscles.

The straight abdominal muscles should not be exercised from the middle of pregnancy onwards, as otherwise a gap can develop in the middle of the straight abdominal muscles. If the trunk is rotated and the oblique abdominal muscles are trained, this cannot happen. However, these exercises should be done carefully and started with light weights.

In general, weights should not be increased during strength training during pregnancy to avoid high loads. Regular moderate strength training strengthens the muscles, ligaments and support structures of the body, which enables the pregnant woman to cope better with the additional weight of the child. For general information about back training, please see Back Training