Summer Savory: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Summer savory is also known by the synonyms garden savory and true savory. The species of savory includes a large number of genera. Of these, summer savory and winter savory are most commonly found in daily use. What are the characteristics of summer savory and what can it be used for?

Occurrence and cultivation of summer savory.

Those who suffer from oily and impure skin take a facial steam bath with summer savory. Summer savory is a plant species that belongs to the genus of savory. It belongs to the subcategory of the labiates. The variety of summer savory that is available in our country has different countries of origin. Summer savory is native to the eastern Mediterranean region, while winter savory is native to southern Europe. Today, the species can be found running wild in the Mediterranean countries and the Balkans. Occasional plants can be found in Germany and Austria. The perfect location is not too dry, nitrogen-rich, loose and often stony soils in warmer locations. Summer savory can be found along railroad embankments, in fields, and in poor soils. Summer savory is a herbaceous plant that is an annual and reaches a growing height of about 55 centimeters. The leaves of summer and winter savory are similar. They are up to three centimeters long and have a lanceolate shape. The leaves are short-stalked, downy and slightly hairy. The stem may become woody. The flowering time of the summer savory is between June and early October. Admire up to five white, blue-purple to pale pink flowers that have two-parted lip florets. As they mature, dark brown, round to egg-shaped seeds develop. Summer savory is a light germinator, which means that the seeds are only lightly pressed into the soil and require a light location before planting. The best time to harvest summer savory is just before it flowers.

Effect and use

Already in Roman times, summer savory was used as a medicinal herb. As a representative of the legumes, it is easily digestible. It is also said to have an antibacterial effect. The herbs contain a high amount of carvacrol (terpenoid natural substance), which has anti-inflammatory effects. Carvacrol is used in cases of gout or rheumatism. Other ingredients that are of great medical importance are bitter and tannic substances, thymol (active substance from the group of essential oils) and urolaic acid (used as an anti-inflammatory). The most common use is for abdominal pain and skin problems. When suffering from flatulence and cramps in the stomach and intestines, savory can be taken as a preventive measure. Taken in tea form, it also has an antispasmodic effect and helps against diarrhea. Summer savory is also taken for loss of appetite. When preparing tea, fresh or dried herb is poured over with water that is no longer boiling. Fresh savory infuses for about ten minutes and dried for about five minutes. In case of cough it is effective to gargle the cooled tea. Those who suffer from oily and impure skin, take a facial steam bath with savory. It regulates the sebum production of the skin and gently treats inflammatory impurities. Not proven is the antibacterial property of savory. The herb is used to help with diseases caused by mold. Savory is also effective for problems of a sexual nature. For example, it is used for erectile dysfunction. Due to its essential oils, summer savory is used not only as a medicinal plant, but also as a spice plant in the kitchen. Whether fresh or dried, it is a classic in the spice cabinet. With many herbs, the seasoning power diminishes when dried, not so with savory. If it is of particularly good quality, it can even intensify the aroma. The taste of savory is tart, strong and has a slightly pungent note. It is comparable to Mediterranean herbs, such as thyme and rosemary. The savory is often used to refine bean salad and bean vegetables, also peas, lentils and potato dishes gives the savory an aromatic flavor. Furthermore, savory is used to make herb butter or cream cheese. Also to fish and lamb summer savory tastes and harmonizes with the taste.Due to its intense, aromatic flavor, savory should be used sparingly and can be added to dishes while they are still cooking. Thus, it develops an optimal aroma.

Importance for health, treatment and prevention.

Due to its preventive effect in flatulence, it is a popular remedy. However, taken in too high doses, the antispasmodic effect of savory can have just the opposite effect. It leads to cramps and promotes abdominal pain. Especially during pregnancy, summer savory should not be taken. Such types of cramps can cause premature birth or miscarriage. Care should also be taken by allergy sufferers. If there is an allergy to mugwort, cross-allergy (if there is an allergy, the allergen will also react to ingredients in other allergen sources) with summer savory cannot be ruled out. If necessary, the intake and dosage should definitely be clarified with a doctor. Summer savory can usually be purchased at a nursery. Since it is an annual plant, the perennial winter savory can also be purchased, but this is more intense in flavor. Dried savory can be found in herb stores, online stores and also in pharmacies. Since the aroma is not lost during preservation, there is little risk in buying it. Attention should still be paid to aroma-sealed packaging when buying.