Rheumatism | Attack of gout

Rheumatism There is often confusion about the different terms used to describe joint diseases. There is a simple classification, the term “rheumatism” summarizes the different diseases. Rheumatism is thus a generic or collective term for various joint diseases. Frequently also from the rheumatic illnesses one speaks. For this count inflammatory rheumatic illnesses, like the rheumatoide … Rheumatism | Attack of gout

Tapes – Overstretched | Ligaments of the spine – anatomy

Tapes – Overstretched The ligaments of the spine serve to provide stability and to slow down excessive movements. If they are overstretched, they lose their protective function towards the spinal cord. The spinal column can then become unstable. It is possible that the vertebral bodies shift against each other. In the worst case, the instability … Tapes – Overstretched | Ligaments of the spine – anatomy

Lymph node swelling in the armpit – treatment/therapy | Physiotherapy for inflamed lymph nodes

Lymph node swelling in the armpit – treatment/therapy The axillary lymph nodes also swell relatively frequently. Especially in the case of injuries to the upper extremity, local lymph node swelling can occur here. In case of pain or changes in the breast and accompanying swollen axillary lymph nodes, a gynecological examination should be performed to … Lymph node swelling in the armpit – treatment/therapy | Physiotherapy for inflamed lymph nodes

Summary | Physiotherapy for inflamed lymph nodes

Summary Lymph nodes can be swollen for various reasons. In the case of acute inflammation of the lymph nodes (adenitis), anti-inflammatory therapy should be administered, either by medication or by cooling. Depending on the underlying disease, problems of the lymphatic system can be treated by manual lymph drainage in physiotherapy. These are targeted, gentle massage … Summary | Physiotherapy for inflamed lymph nodes

Costs of a root canal treatment | Duration of a root canal treatment

Costs of a root canal treatment Whether the costs for a root canal treatment are covered by health insurance must be discussed individually with the patient and the situation.In general, health insurance companies will only cover the costs if the treatment can ensure that the tooth is saved. The condition is that the dentist can … Costs of a root canal treatment | Duration of a root canal treatment

Urachus fistula

The “Urachus” is a duct that connects the bladder with the navel. At the beginning of the child’s development in the mother’s belly it is a real connection. At the end of the pregnancy this opening normally closes completely. In the case of an Urachus fistula this closure does not occur, so there is still … Urachus fistula