4 Exercise

“Striking out” In this exercise, adhesives are “rolled out”. To treat the left knee, lie on your left side in lateral position. The right leg is placed on the floor behind the left leg for stabilization. Now the outside of the knee is placed on the roll and “rolled out”. This can be a bit … 4 Exercise

5 exercise

“Sitting knee extension” You sit on the floor and adjust your knees. A lower leg is stretched without the knee sagging. Both knees remain at the same level during the exercise. To strengthen the medial parts, the foot is stretched with the inner edge upwards. Do the whole thing 15 times in 3 sets per … 5 exercise

Treatment of muscle shortening | Exercises against muscle shortening

Treatment of muscle shortening Muscle shortening can be treated in physiotherapy through active and passive stretching exercises. An exercise program for home use with specific exercises for muscle lengthening is also part of the program. A stretching program and muscle lengthening in therapy always includes muscle building and posture training, because often shortened muscles are … Treatment of muscle shortening | Exercises against muscle shortening

Exercises against muscle shortening

Muscle shortening often occurs as a result of long-term, one-sided postures or movements. For example, muscle shortening can be caused by too little exercise and sitting in the office for long periods of time every day, but also by one-sided sporting strain without regular stretching. The muscles of the front and back of the thighs, … Exercises against muscle shortening

Exercises against migraine – That helps!

Exercises against migraine can achieve good results in prevention as well as in acute migraine attacks and follow-up treatment. Due to the relaxing and relaxing effect, as well as the strengthening of the muscles in the shoulder and neck area, migraine attacks can be contained in advance and frequent trigger factors such as stress or … Exercises against migraine – That helps!

Exercises for the neck | Exercises against migraine – That helps!

Exercises for the neck Arms Circle the arms slowly and evenly forwards at first, about 20 repetitions. Then, also 20 times, circle backwards. This exercise serves to relax the shoulder-neck area. Circle Shoulder Perform this exercise according to the same principle as exercise 1. For variation you can circle one shoulder faster than the other … Exercises for the neck | Exercises against migraine – That helps!

Yoga for the prevention of migraine | Exercises against migraine – That helps!

Yoga for the prevention of migraine In addition to the drug therapy of migraine, deep-relaxing exercises and regeneration can also help to improve the symptoms. Various yoga exercises are available. The bridge Lie on your back with your legs bent and then push your buttocks up off the floor. Upper body and legs form a … Yoga for the prevention of migraine | Exercises against migraine – That helps!

Feldenkrais exercises against migraine | Exercises against migraine – That helps!

Feldenkrais exercises against migraine The term Feldenkrais describes a system that raises awareness of movement sequences and allows those affected to recognize and improve unfavorable movement sequences. It thus provides knowledge about movements that aim to enable effortless movement and prevent states of tension. Lie on your stomach and bend your legs at a 90° … Feldenkrais exercises against migraine | Exercises against migraine – That helps!

Summary | Exercises against migraine – That helps!

Summary All in all, good results can be achieved by performing specific exercises in migraine treatment. The affected persons are thus able to help themselves both when a migraine attack is imminent as well as in acute cases, and to initiate appropriate countermeasures through the exercises, whereby the pain is significantly relieved and the occurrence … Summary | Exercises against migraine – That helps!

Exercises for headaches during pregnancy

Headaches during pregnancy are not uncommon. Especially due to the hormonal changes, the balance of the woman’s body gets out of balance, especially in the beginning. The circulation changes, the metabolism changes, the habits change. Headaches occur especially in the first months and shortly before delivery. If the woman was already suffering from migraine-like headaches … Exercises for headaches during pregnancy

Causes | Exercises for headaches during pregnancy

Causes Hormonal changes, changes in circulation, metabolism and sleeping habits change the woman’s organism. Due to the changed blood circulation of the brain and the changed supply with nutrients it can come to headaches. Avoiding stimulants such as nicotine or caffeine, which the pregnant woman may have previously consumed, can cause headaches. Psychological stress can … Causes | Exercises for headaches during pregnancy