Prognosis | Physiotherapy for Schlatter’s disease

Prognosis Usually the problems of Schlatter’s disease only exist during puberty and disappear with the end of the growth phase. What remains may be a pressure-sensitive tuberosity tibiae or even increased bone elevation at this point. If dead bone material has detached, causing further inflammation and problems in the joint and disrupting movement, it may … Prognosis | Physiotherapy for Schlatter’s disease

Further therapeutic methods | Patellar pain – exercises from physiotherapy

Further therapeutic methods In addition to the pure physiotherapeutic treatment for patients with patellar pain, additional techniques such as ice treatment, electrotherapy, ultrasound, especially on the surrounding structures (ligaments, tendons), can be used to relieve the irritation and pain. An applied tape can also support the stability. In the acute phase, anti-inflammatory painkillers are prescribed. … Further therapeutic methods | Patellar pain – exercises from physiotherapy

Pain in the patella tendon

Definition Pain in the patella tendon is an unpleasant, sometimes stabbing or pulling sensation in the area of the patella tendon. Anatomically, the patellar tendon is a rough ligamentous structure between the underside of the patella and the tibia, more precisely at the tibial tuberosity, a roughened bony process at the front of the tibia. … Pain in the patella tendon


Synonyms Patella fracture, patella fracture, patella tendon, patella tendon, patellar tendon, chondropathia patellae, retropatellar arthrosis, patella luxation, patella luxation Medical: Patella Normal patella Dysplastic patella Dysplastic patella with lateralization Retropatellar cartilage damage Function The kneecap transfers the force of the front thigh muscles to the shin via the knee joint. The patella of the kneecap … Kneecap

Further applications for knee bandages | Bandage for patellar tip syndrome

Further applications for knee bandages Bandages for the knee can be used either prophylactically to prevent injuries or as therapy for already existing knee damage or diseases. Bandages are used, for example, to stabilize when the ligaments in the knee joint are stretched or to relieve pain when the cartilage behind the kneecap is damaged. … Further applications for knee bandages | Bandage for patellar tip syndrome

Pain above the kneecap

Introduction The kneecap (patella) is located at the front of the knee and serves mainly as protection for the knee joint. The kneecap is a so-called sesamoid bone. A sesamoid bone increases the distance between the tendon and the bone and can therefore optimally improve the leverage effect of muscles, for example. The kneecap is … Pain above the kneecap