Radiologist: Diagnosis, Treatment & Choice of Doctor

A radiologist works in a medical field that uses electromagnetic radiation and/or mechanical waves to make diagnoses. For scientific purposes, as well as in the field of research, radiology is used. What is a radiologist? Radiologists work in various subfields such as diagnostic radiology, which is divided into neuroradiology and pediatric radiology. Radiation therapy and … Radiologist: Diagnosis, Treatment & Choice of Doctor

Costs of a MRT – examination

Introduction The costs for an MRI examination (magnetic resonance imaging) are reimbursed for private patients according to the GÖA (Gebührenordnung für Ärzte) and for patients with health insurance according to the EBM (Einheitlicher Bewertungsmaßstab). If there is a medical necessity to perform the MRI examination, the costs are covered by the health insurance company. Special … Costs of a MRT – examination

Do I incur costs if I don’t cancel or miss my MRI appointment? | Costs of a MRT – examination

Do I incur costs if I don’t cancel or miss my MRI appointment? In individual cases, a missed or not cancelled MRI appointment may result in costs for the patient. While no fees can normally be charged for a missed regular practice visit, an MRI examination, where demand is very high and a tightly planned … Do I incur costs if I don’t cancel or miss my MRI appointment? | Costs of a MRT – examination

Costs of an MRI of the lumbar spine (LWS) | Costs of a MRT – examination

Costs of an MRI of the lumbar spine (LWS) The cost of an MRI examination of the lumbar spine is at least €244.81 for private patients and self-payers. A maximum of 612,02€ may be charged.In addition to the costs of the MRI examination, costs for consultation, contrast medium and further imaging in a different position … Costs of an MRI of the lumbar spine (LWS) | Costs of a MRT – examination

Costs of an MRT of the temporomandibular joint | Costs of a MRT – examination

Costs of an MRT of the temporomandibular joint The examination of the temporomandibular joint is usually performed within the scope of an MRI imaging of the head. It is used to assess the joint surfaces and identify inflammation for the diagnosis of orthodontic problems. In some cases, an MRI examination is also required to plan … Costs of an MRT of the temporomandibular joint | Costs of a MRT – examination

Findings: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Medical terminology refers to the result of a medical examination on a patient as a finding. This includes mental exploration, physical examination, and laboratory and instrumental medical tests. What are the findings? Medical terminology refers to the result of a medical examination on a patient as a finding. The medical term finding refers to holistic … Findings: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Mammography: Treatment, Effect & Risks

A mammogram is a radiological examination, particularly of the female breast, used for early cancer detection. Known since 1927, the procedure is recommended for women over the age of 50 to have a mammogram every two years as part of their cancer screening. What is a mammogram? Mammography is an examination method for the early … Mammography: Treatment, Effect & Risks

What does the orthopedist treat? | Which doctor treats a circulatory disorder?

What does the orthopedist treat? Individual circulatory disorders in the bone area fall within the treatment range of the orthopedist. However, this form of circulatory disorder is rather rare. Nevertheless, they are a dangerous complication. If the bone is no longer sufficiently supplied with blood, the cells die. In technical terminology, this disease is called … What does the orthopedist treat? | Which doctor treats a circulatory disorder?

Which doctor treats a circulatory disorder?

These doctors treat circulatory disorders Circulatory disorders are a very complex clinical picture. They can affect virtually all organs. Since the organs lack vital oxygen, a circulatory disorder often leads to malfunctions. One can roughly note that the doctor responsible for the organ is also responsible for a circulatory disorder. Cardiology, for example, is responsible … Which doctor treats a circulatory disorder?

What does an ENT physician treat? | Which doctor treats a circulatory disorder?

What does an ENT physician treat? The ENT doctor can also treat circulatory disorders. Mostly, circulatory disorders in the ENT area are circulatory disorders in the inner ear. Circulatory disorders in the neck or nose area are rather rare. The inner ear is the organ of hearing and balance. If the blood supply to the … What does an ENT physician treat? | Which doctor treats a circulatory disorder?