Tube Stomach Surgery

Tube gastrectomy (synonyms: sleeve gastrectomy; SG) is a surgical procedure in bariatric surgery. Sleeve gastrectomy may be offered for obesity with a BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2 or greater with one or more obesity-associated comorbidities when conservative therapy has been exhausted. In contrast to other bariatric procedures (bariatric surgery) such as gastric banding, greater weight reduction … Tube Stomach Surgery

Anal Vein Thrombosis: Medical History

Medical history (history of illness) is an important component in the diagnosis of anal venous thrombosis. Family history Social history What is your occupation? Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological complaints). What complaints have you noticed? Did the discomfort occur within minutes to hours? How long have the complaints existed? Have you palpated a … Anal Vein Thrombosis: Medical History

Lymphogranuloma Venereum: Complications

The following are the most important diseases or complications that may be contributed to by lymphogranuloma venereum: Respiratory system (J00-J99) Pleurisy (pleurisy). Pneumonitis (collective term for any form of pneumonia (lung inflammation), which does not affect the alveoli (alveoli), but the interstitium or intercellular space). Eyes and eye appendages (H00-H59). Conjunctivitis (conjunctivitis). Skin – subcutaneous … Lymphogranuloma Venereum: Complications

Skin Cancer Prophylaxis

Skin cancer screening (HKS; Hautkrebsvorsorge) is used for the timely detection of malignant (malignant) tumors of the skin at a curable stage. It is considered a cancer screening measure (KFEM). Skin cancers The incidence (prevalence) for skin cancer has increased greatly in the Western world in recent decades. This is mainly due to increased sun … Skin Cancer Prophylaxis

Chest Pain (Thoracic Pain)

The term thoracic pain – colloquially called chest pain – (synonyms: thoracic pain; chest pain; thoracic pain; thoracic pain syndrome; thoracalgia; thoracodynia; thoracic discomfort; uncharacteristic chest pain; ICD-10 R07.4: Chest pain, unspecified) refers to pain in the thoracic (chest) region. The pain occurs predominantly on the left side, but may also radiate to the opposite … Chest Pain (Thoracic Pain)

Final stage | Physiotherapy and Scheuermann’s disease

Final stage The final stage of Scheuermann’s disease is when the spinal column has reached its final deformation due to the vertebral malformations. It is the last of a total of 3 stages that are passed through in the course of the disease. Scheuermann’s disease is then mainly associated with restricted movement, visual irregularity and … Final stage | Physiotherapy and Scheuermann’s disease

Bursa Diseases (Bursopathies): Medical History

Medical history (history of illness) represents an important component in the diagnosis of bursopathies (bursal disorders). Family history Are there frequent diseases of bones/joints in your family? Social history What is your profession? Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological complaints). Are you experiencing pain? If yes, when does the pain occur? Where is the … Bursa Diseases (Bursopathies): Medical History

Cushing’s Disease: Drug Therapy

Therapeutic target Normalization of serum cortisone levels. Therapy recommendations Primary surgical therapy (for indications, see “Surgical therapy” below); in rare cases, radiation therapy of the pituitary gland (e.g., for recurrence/recurrence of Cushing’s disease, in primarily inoperable patients); after surgery, substitution therapy (replacement therapy) with a cortisone drug. In NNR carcinoma treatment with: Cytostatics, adrenostatics In … Cushing’s Disease: Drug Therapy

Invisible Teeth Straightening with Invisalign

The Invisalign technique (synonym: invisible teeth straightening) is an orthodontic procedure to eliminate misaligned teeth using a series of removable transparent plastic trays called aligners. Each aligner has a wearing period of 14 days. With each aligner, the strength and direction of the forces acting on the teeth change minimally, so that progress towards the … Invisible Teeth Straightening with Invisalign