Vibration plate training

The vibration training is performed on a vibration plate, which is offered by various manufacturers. They differ, for example, in size or in the supplied accessories, but ultimately the following exercises can be performed on most models. The vibration plate is used for static exercises, but also for dynamic exercises that are intended to build … Vibration plate training

Summary | Vibration plate training

Summary Vibration training can be used, for example, to strengthen the muscles of the stomach, buttocks, back and arms. In the case of arthrosis, this can stabilize the joint, which can reduce joint pain. The training can also help to relax and loosen the muscles. A training session of 10 minutes twice a week is … Summary | Vibration plate training

Exercises for the shoulder/neck with the Flexibar Swinging Bar | Flexible vibrating rod

Exercises for the shoulder/neck with the Flexibar Swinging Bar More exercises can be found under: Exercises against shoulder pain Stand approximately shoulder-wide and spread both arms 90° to the sides, turn the palms of your hands towards the ceiling and take the Flexibar in one hand. Keep elbows slightly flexed and hold this position for … Exercises for the shoulder/neck with the Flexibar Swinging Bar | Flexible vibrating rod

Flexible vibrating rod

The Flexibar Swinging Bar is a training device that can be used at home or in sports groups and can be used for many different exercises to strengthen different muscle groups of the whole body. Furthermore, training with a Flexibar Swinging Bar is suitable for different target groups, i.e. for young as well as older … Flexible vibrating rod

Exercises for the abdomen with the Flexibar vibrating rod | Flexible vibrating rod

Exercises for the abdomen with the Flexibar vibrating rod An exercise for the straight abdominal muscles is the Crunch with Flexibar. You can find more exercises under: Exercises against abdominal fat To do this, lie down on the floor and bend your legs. Then lift your upper body so that your shoulders are no longer … Exercises for the abdomen with the Flexibar vibrating rod | Flexible vibrating rod


The term “massage” comes from the Arabic and means freely translated as: “to touch” or “to feel”. Introduction The term massage refers to a process in which the skin, connective tissue and muscles are mechanically influenced. This mechanical influence is achieved through various manual stretching, pulling and pressure stimuli. As a rule, a massage serves … Massage

Massage techniques | Massage

Massage techniques Roughly speaking, the different massage techniques are divided into two large groups: the classical and the alternative massage forms. In the course of the classical massage, the skin, connective tissue and muscles are treated at exactly the point where they are worked on by the action of mechanical force. Classical forms of massage … Massage techniques | Massage

Physiotherapeutic measures | Burning and painful soles of the feet – Therapy

Physiotherapeutic measures In physiotherapy, exercises are shown and performed to stabilize the arch of the foot in case of pain and burning in the sole of the foot. These are strengthening exercises for the arch of the foot, which the patient should continue to practice at home. Balance exercises are also built in to further … Physiotherapeutic measures | Burning and painful soles of the feet – Therapy