Muscle building and anabolic steroids

Synonyms in a broader sense

Muscle building training, strength training, bodybuilding, supplements, doping, anabolic steroids, steroidsAnabol means constructive. Through the intake of anabolic substances is attempted to promote the muscle buildup specifically. However, the use of such preparations is very controversial due to their numerous side effects.

Many of them are harmful to health and in extreme cases can have fatal consequences. The best known form of anabolic steroids are artificially produced hormones (steroids), which are similar in structure to the male sex hormone testosterone. In addition to these steroids, beta-2 sympathomimetics are also used to build muscle.

These were originally used to treat asthma, but had an anabolic (anabolic) side effect. The third possibility to build up muscles with additional preparations is the intake of growth hormones, which are also used in animal husbandry. The intake of all these products is prohibited in competitive sports because you are on the so-called doping list.


The body needs protein to build muscles. This is exactly where anabolic steroids come in. They promote protein synthesis (protein build-up) and fat burning, and inhibit the breakdown of the body’s own proteins, which leads to increased muscle build-up.

However, anabolic steroids only work in conjunction with hard physical training. It is pointless to take anabolic steroids in the beginner’s area, since an untrained body shows immense performance increases even without such an intake. For some scientists the effect of anabolic steroids is still controversial today.

Some even assume a placebo effect. For some scientists the effect of anabolic steroids is controversial until today. Some go out even of a placebo effect.

Active ingredient Anabolic steroids

  • Anabolic Seorides:MetenoloneBoldenoneClostebolDehydrochlormethyltestosteroneNadroloneMetandienoneFluoxymesteroneMethytestosteroneOxandrolStanozole
  • Metenolone
  • Boldenone
  • Clostebol
  • Dehydrochlormethyltestosterone
  • Nadrolone
  • Metandienone
  • Fluoxymesterone
  • Methytestosterone
  • Oxandrol
  • Stanozol
  • Beta – 2 – Sympathomimetics:Clenbuterol and related compounds (used illegally in calf fattening)
  • Clenbuterol and related compounds (used illegally in calf fattening)
  • Growth Hormones:Somatropin (Growth Hormone)SomatomedinInsulin+ Somatroponin
  • Somatropin (growth hormone)
  • Somatomedin
  • Insulin+ Somatroponin
  • Metenolone
  • Boldenone
  • Clostebol
  • Dehydrochlormethyltestosterone
  • Nadrolone
  • Metandienone
  • Fluoxymesterone
  • Methytestosterone
  • Oxandrol
  • Stanozol
  • Clenbuterol and related compounds (used illegally in calf fattening)
  • Somatropin (growth hormone)
  • Somatomedin
  • Insulin+ Somatroponin

Tribulus Terrestris is a naturally occurring anabolic drug and therefore does not fall under the category of doping substances. Taking Tribulus Terrestris can stimulate the natural hormone production, which increases the testosterone level in the blood. The herbal agent can be taken without side effects and provides a significant increase in testosterone levels without affecting normal hormone production.

This results in increased muscle cell production. In addition to the dietary supplement, however, a balanced diet with a sufficient supply of carbohydrates, fats and proteins is also required. Since testosterone is not supplied from the outside in this way, but only boosts the production of the body’s own substance, this dietary supplement is a very gentle on the body.

Some studies have not yet been able to prove conclusively that the supply of Tribulus Terrestris automatically increases muscle growth. However, this may also be due to the chosen study design, as it goes without saying that a training program for muscle growth must also be carried out. Only the intake of the food supplement does not automatically lead to the formation of new muscle cells.