Effects of cholinesterase deficiency under local anesthesia | Cholinesterase deficiency

Effects of cholinesterase deficiency under local anesthesia With local anaesthesia, a cholinesterase deficiency has the consequence that certain local anaesthetics are broken down more slowly. This results in a prolonged anaesthesia of the region, but the fact that the drug has a longer duration of action in the body can also lead to further side … Effects of cholinesterase deficiency under local anesthesia | Cholinesterase deficiency

Diarrhea due to vitamin B12

Introduction Diarrhea by Vitamin B12 income means diarrhea symptoms, which stand in temporal and causal connection with the income of Vitamin B12 preparations. Causes of diarrhoea due to vitamin B12 In the side effects of conventional vitamin B12 preparations, both in tablet form and in suspension form for injection, diarrhea is not listed as one … Diarrhea due to vitamin B12

Vitamin D: Deficiency and Overdose

A vitamin D deficiency can have different consequences. But an overdose can also be dangerous and cause symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal pain, but also trigger severe organ damage. How do you recognize a vitamin D deficiency or overdose and how can you prevent it? What to do if there is already a vitamin … Vitamin D: Deficiency and Overdose

Vitamin E: Good for the Skin

Vitamin E is a collective term for fat-soluble substances that cannot be produced by the body itself. Therefore, they must be supplied from the outside through foods such as vegetable oils, nuts or margarine. If too little vitamin E is consumed over a longer period of time, a deficiency occurs. Typical symptoms of such a … Vitamin E: Good for the Skin

Schüssler salt as ointment | Schüssler Salt No. 5: Potassium Phosphoricum

Schüssler salt as ointment Mostly Schüssler salts are administered orally so that they can be absorbed through the digestive tract. They then have a “systemic” effect, i.e. the same effect on the whole body. If a certain part of the body is to be treated specifically, an ointment is also a suitable form of administration. … Schüssler salt as ointment | Schüssler Salt No. 5: Potassium Phosphoricum

Diarrhoea caused by vitamin D

Introduction Diarrhea can have various causes. Among other things, it can occur as a side effect of taking different medications. Diarrhoea can also occur as an adverse effect when taking vitamin D. However, in this case the diarrhoea is usually short-lived. Longer-term diarrhoea while taking vitamin D may indicate an overdose. First of all, it … Diarrhoea caused by vitamin D

Course of diarrhea caused by vitamin D | Diarrhoea caused by vitamin D

Course of diarrhea caused by vitamin D Rarely does the long-term intake of vitamin D in a therapeutic dosage lead to persistent diarrhea. If the diarrhoea under a Vitamin D intake lasts for more than a week, the treating family doctor should be consulted. This can then decide how the further procedure is. Diagnosis of … Course of diarrhea caused by vitamin D | Diarrhoea caused by vitamin D

Symptoms accompanying diarrhoea caused by vitamin D | Diarrhoea caused by vitamin D

Symptoms accompanying diarrhoea caused by vitamin D Taking vitamin D can be associated with various adverse effects, just like taking other medications. The possible side effects of taking colecalciferol include diarrhea: the side effects mentioned above, however, occur mainly in the context of an overdose and rather rarely as a permanent side effect if the … Symptoms accompanying diarrhoea caused by vitamin D | Diarrhoea caused by vitamin D