Summary | Exercises for the bottom

Summary Our buttocks consist of very strong muscles, which, in addition to the natural fat deposits on our buttocks, determine the shape of our bottom. Due to long periods of sitting in everyday life and a lack of exercise, our buttocks muscles are not sufficiently challenged and thus deteriorate over time. This is not only … Summary | Exercises for the bottom

Exercises belly, legs, bottom, back

For all exercises, do 2 to 3 passes with 15 repetitions each. This is only a guideline and must be adjusted to the respective performance level. If you can do fewer or more repetitions, the number of repetitions can be adjusted by using the additional weight (dumbbells etc.). Otherwise you will do so many repetitions … Exercises belly, legs, bottom, back

10 Practical Tips against Cellulite

With short creaming is not to counteract or prevent the annoying orange peel dimples, for firm legs woman must invest already something more time. Gentle massages with anti-cellulite creams, promotion of blood circulation through cold-warm alternating baths, a low-fat vitamin-rich diet and exercise are all part of the care program against cellulite. Different treatment methods … 10 Practical Tips against Cellulite

Itching of the Scalp

If itching occurs all over the body, you should not hesitate to see a doctor. The causes behind the discomfort may be harmless – for example, stress or nervousness come into question. However, itching all over the body can also be triggered by serious diseases such as diabetes, diseases of the kidneys or liver, and … Itching of the Scalp

Heavy Legs

Legs are heavy as lead, they tingle, itch and hurt. Probably everyone of us knows the feeling of tired, heavy legs. On the one hand, these can indicate heavily strained but healthy legs, but on the other hand, they can also be a sign of a disease such as weak veins. In Germany, around 22 … Heavy Legs

Heavy Legs during Pregnancy

During pregnancy, especially many women complain of painful, heavy legs. This is due to the changed hormone balance during this time. This ensures that the blood vessels are more stretchy than usual. In addition, the approximately 20 percent increase in blood flow causes more blood to flow through the vessels. As a result of the … Heavy Legs during Pregnancy

Heavy Legs in Summer

Especially in summer, many complain about heavy legs. The cause is the high temperatures, which lead to vasodilatation of the veins. Due to the vasodilatation, the skin is better supplied with blood and the heat exchange surface is increased. As a result, the body can release more heat. However, this regulatory mechanism also has disadvantages: … Heavy Legs in Summer