Pneumonia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Pneumonia or pneumonia is mostly triggered in the colder season, such as winter or autumn. In this case, mainly bacteria, fungi and viruses play a significant role in transmission. But also by coughing and sneezing of other people it can come to the droplet infection and thus to pneumonia.

What is pneumonia?

Infographic on the different lung diseases and their characteristics, anatomy and location. Click to enlarge. When parts of the lungs, for example, the alveoli or interstitial tissue, become inflamed, the condition is called pneumonia, or pneumonia in the technical term. Rarely is the entire lung affected; only in severe cases is bilateral pneumonia possible. Here, the entire lung tissue is affected. Since the lungs are the only organ that regulates the exchange of oxygen, these diseases are very serious and should always be treated by a doctor. Pneumonia is usually transmitted by droplet infection. This occurs through sneezing, coughing or talking. But not all pneumonia is contagious. Meanwhile, pneumonia ranks fifth among deadly infectious diseases. Hundreds of thousands of people (worldwide) a year contract this unrecognized common disease.


Pneumonia is usually caused by pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses or fungi. They are inhaled through the air and inflame the alveoli or lung tissue. However, allergies can also trigger pneumonia. A previous flu or bronchitis that has not been completely cured can also promote the disease. Elderly people whose immune system is weakened by age and young children whose immune system is not yet fully mature are also more susceptible. Another cause can be the inhalation of toxic gases, for example during a fire. Radiation pneumonia is the term used when a cancer patient develops pneumonia after receiving radiation treatment for lung cancer. A lung must be well ventilated. This does not happen as well in bedridden patients and in many cases leads to inflammation. Another cause may be lack of blood flow to the lungs, caused by a pulmonary embolism. In some patients, the muscle at the entrance to the stomach no longer closes properly. Small amounts of stomach acid thus enter the trachea and are inhaled. This can also cause pneumonia. Rather rarely, this condition is caused by inhalation of food particles. Water retention in the lungs, caused by certain heart conditions, can also promote pneumonia.

Typical symptoms and signs

Pneumonia is typically accompanied by difficulty breathing, fever, and chills. Body temperature rises rapidly and may well reach more than 40 degrees Celsius. In addition, those affected feel weak and listless. The body tries to pump more air into the lungs, which is noticeable in an increased breathing rate as well as an increased pulse. If these measures are not enough to counteract a lack of oxygen, the lips turn blue. The nail bed may also be affected by this blue discoloration. Furthermore, coughing occurs in pneumonia, with sputum turning brownish in color later in the course of the disease. If the pleura is affected, there is also pain when breathing. Elderly people in particular suffer from states of confusion and/or seem to vegetate. If it is a so-called atypical pneumonia, the symptoms can vary greatly. In this case, body temperature often rises only slightly and patients tend to suffer from a dry cough. After the first week of illness, the fever abruptly subsides, putting a great strain on the cardiovascular system. After another two weeks, pneumonia is usually over. However, symptoms such as general weakness and mild breathing problems may continue.

Disease progression

Basically, the symptoms of pneumonia are very specific, depending on the type of infection and the patient’s general health. In bacterial and classical inflammation of the lungs, the patient has a dry cough accompanied by chest pain, accompanied by shortness of breath. When coughing up later, the mucus is very viscous, greenish-yellow to brownish.High fever alternates with sudden chills. The lungs hurt and sometimes radiate into the lower abdomen. In pneumonia caused by viruses or parasites, the symptomatology is a little different. It is accompanied by mild fever and the patient does not have chills. The dry cough hardly loosens mucus. A misdiagnosis may well be given, because the symptoms to the flu are similar. To be sure, an X-ray of the lungs is useful. In the case of classic pneumonia, the doctor can determine the diagnosis by listening to the lungs and taking a blood sample.


Complications from pneumonia can occur both inside and outside the lungs. This risk exists predominantly if treatment for pneumonia is not started in time or if the disease is prolonged. The same applies in the case of additional concomitant diseases. The most common sequelae occur inside the lungs. Oxygen deficiency is not uncommon, in which the patient’s breathing is so severely impeded that it is no longer possible to take in sufficient oxygen. Carbon dioxide can also no longer be exhaled. In the case of severe pneumonia, pleural effusion is possible. This results in the accumulation of fluid between the chest and lungs. A pleural puncture is usually performed as a therapeutic measure. One of the most feared complications of pneumonia is blood poisoning (sepsis). It occurs when the bacteria that caused the pneumonia spread through the bloodstream to the rest of the organism. As a result, several important organs, such as the heart and kidneys, are at risk of failing. Therefore, blood poisoning is a life-threatening condition. However, complications are also conceivable outside the lungs, because the causative agents of the disease can spread throughout the body. This sometimes results in infections such as pericarditis (inflammation of the pericardium), endocarditis (inflammation of the inner lining of the heart), meningitis (meningitis) or a brain abscess.

brain abscess. Similarly, arthritis (inflammation of the joints) or osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone marrow) may occur.

When should you see a doctor?

Although pneumonia can also resolve spontaneously, a visit to the doctor should always be made even if it is suspected. If clear symptoms occur, such as cough with sputum, shortness of breath, reduced performance or even a bluish discoloration of fingertips and nails, it must be clarified whether these symptoms stem from pneumonia or have other causes. Pneumonia is the result of spreading germs, usually starting with a supposedly harmless cold. If the germs are carried over, this is a clear signal that the immune system is weakened, which is why the patient needs medical treatment at this point at the latest. Although pneumonia can be stubborn, it recedes more quickly with the right antibiotic treatment than without medical help. Elderly people, children and people with pre-existing conditions, especially of the respiratory tract, should always seek medical attention even if pneumonia is suspected. These groups of patients are usually the ones in whom complications develop. After diagnosis and during treatment, regular doctor’s appointments should also be kept for check-ups. This way, in case of emergency, it can be detected early enough if the pneumonia does not heal quickly enough or if complications in the healing process are imminent. Since pneumonia is contagious and rest is important during this time, the patient should take sick leave during the acute phase.

Treatment and therapy

Pneumonia is usually treated with antibiotics, which must be taken consistently. To promote coughing up of the viscous mucus, it is very important that the patient drink a lot. Extreme rest and bed rest are mandatory. Inhalation also brings relief when coughing up mucus. To reduce fever, not only medication should be given, but also calf compresses should be applied. The supply of fresh air is also very important, so the room should be ventilated often. Smokers should refrain from tobacco consumption altogether. If the pneumonia is very severe, infusions and oxygen ventilation are often unavoidable. Therapy of respiratory gymnastics to improve ventilation of the lungs is also appropriate.In a severe form of pneumonia, hospitalization cannot be avoided. In milder cases, treatment at home is also possible. However, to give the appropriate therapy for the patient, it is very important to determine the type of pneumonia,.

Outlook and prognosis

In pneumonia, the prognosis depends on various factors. The causative pathogen, the patient’s general defenses, and the choice of therapy are crucial. For example, younger and healthy patients show a better prognosis than patients with advanced age or certain pre-existing conditions (e.g., heart disease). If no risk factors are present, outpatient treatment is usually sufficient and the mortality rate is less than two percent. If inpatient treatment becomes necessary, the reported mortality rate is two to ten percent. In the case of so-called pneumococcal pneumonia, the mortality rate is still very high at 20 percent, and in very severe forms of the disease, 20 to 50 percent of all patients die on average. The prognosis for so-called nosocomial pneumonia, i.e. pneumonia acquired in hospital, is often much worse. The pathogens are very persistent and have often already developed resistance, which is why antibiotic therapies are of little help. It is estimated that about 40,000 to 50,000 people die of severe pneumonia in Germany every year. At the same time, the number of pneumonias increases during strong flu periods, which is why immunocompromised patients in particular develop pneumonia from influenza.


Most patients with healthy defenses can completely resolve an illness. In them, the goal is to prevent recurrence. Preventive measures include such things as avoiding recurrence and taking care of the airways. Sometimes sage tea and other naturopathic remedies help to speed up recovery. According to scientific knowledge, immunity does not exist after a single illness. Patients can therefore become infected again and again. Possible complications should not be underestimated. They often cause long-term damage. Lung failure in particular can have life-threatening consequences. It is therefore advisable in aftercare to also use “simple” methods such as a walk on the beach. The salty sea air helps the bronchial tubes to open and facilitates breathing; alternatively, a visit to a salt cave can also provide relief. Since pneumonia takes a long time to recover from, patients should continue to take it easy for quite a while after the acute phase of the illness. This also includes refraining from sporting activities. These should only be resumed very cautiously to prevent a relapse and a worsening of the state of health.

What you can do yourself

Accompanying the medical therapy, can be resorted to various self-help measures and home remedies in pneumonia. First, it is important to drink plenty of fluids (at least two to three liters daily) and to maintain bed rest. A balanced and healthy diet can support recovery. Sick people should therefore take in plenty of vitamins, minerals and proteins, for example through oatmeal, legumes and chicken, as well as fruits and vegetables that do not irritate the nasopharynx. Warm water vapor helps fight mucus in the airways and relieves pain. Eucalyptus oil or lavender oil enhance the positive effects. In addition, various natural remedies help. Ginger, for example, has proven its worth. The natural remedy can help especially with incipient pneumonia and positively influence the course of the disease. Raw garlic is also a powerful natural antibiotic. The tuberous plant helps against infections caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi, relieves fever and has an expectorant effect. Especially for small children and babies, garlic is recommended as a gentle home remedy – for example, in the form of garlic soup or as a paste with lemon juice and honey. Older patients and the chronically ill should be vaccinated against pneumococcus as a precaution. This is also possible after surviving pneumonia.