Fasting cure and crash diet


The prospect of 500 g weight loss per week, which promises reasonable concepts for weight reduction is not enough for many people. Therefore again and again the chamfering cure and Crash Diät with extremely low calorie supply are praised those up to 1 kg fat loss per day promise. However chamfering cures are not suitable for weight reduction, because they do not cause a long-term change of the eating behavior contrary to a meaningful Diät.

Also no single so-called Crashdiät (fast and much removing in as short a time as possible) can carry this out. The extremely low calorie supply with chamfered produces stress in the body and it drives its basic conversion down as reaction to it. As soon as again normally one eats takes place a faster weight increase than before (yo-yo effect) chamfering cures promote the dismantling of muscle mass and also thereby the basic conversion sinks.

The statement to want to purify the body with chamfered is scientifically not justifiable. In the human body normally no cinders collect themselves but as metabolic final products are excreted. Even healthy ones should chamfer, if at all, under medical supervision and not regard this as solution for weight problems.

Procedure of the diet

Diet or also dietetics comes from the Greek and stands for “diet”. Under it all kinds and concepts of certain nutrition and thus also chamfered fall therefore. It is important however not to confuse chamfered with the term “diet“.

With chamfered one does without the admission of solid food, why all, for the body important, nutrients and vitamins are supplied over beverages. Chamfered is divided roughly into three phases: Relief phase, chamfering time and structure phase. During the relieving phase the body is to be accustomed slowly to the condition of the reduced food intake, since such a conversion is not to overtax the body.

In this first phase, the fasting person should drink enough liquid and avoid some substances that contaminate the body, such as nicotine, caffeine, alcohol or sugar. The relief phase serves the initial “purification” of the body and the “flushing out” of toxins. In the second phase, the actual fasting period, solid food is already completely avoided.

Now only liquid may be taken to itself. It should concern several different beverages, like water, fruit juices, teas, broths or vegetable juices, in order to take up if possible all important vitamins and nutrients. This second phase can also be accompanied by intestinal cleansing procedures, such as enemas or Glauber’s salts.

In the last phase, the build-up phase, the fasting person should get used to his or her original diet again. This should take place however first with light and low-fat courts, since the body is used to no more solid food and it can come otherwise to digesting disturbances. A classical chamfering cure is divided, as already mentioned, into three phases.

The duration of a cure depends thereby mainly on the length of the actual chamfering time. This varies, depending upon how well the cure is tolerated and as frequently already chamfered, usually between five and 14 days, can last however also four weeks. The relieving phase lasts usually one to three days, while the structure phase depends on the chamfering time and can last between two and seven days.

The structure days, also “chamfering breaking” mentioned, designate the time after the actual chamfering time, in which a Abgewöhnung of chamfered and a re-accustoming of the actual nourishing style are to be achieved. The structure phase should take rather too much time than too little time. It should take up approximately a third of the time of the chamfering days.

The reason for this is that the body reacted to the purely liquid food intake by reducing the production of digestive secretions. The digestive system is no longer accustomed to receiving solid food and might not react appropriately to a sudden change. Therefore, it is important to eat only light food for a while and to chew it as well as possible in order to relieve the intestine of some of its work. Another important aspect of the build-up phase is to change your lifestyle and diet permanently. Thus the Jojo effect is reduced and the positive effects of the chamfering cure are maintained.