Allergies in children

Introduction Allergies in children are becoming increasingly common. About every fifth child has an allergy and the tendency is rising. The most common childhood allergies are to pollen, dust mites, animal hair and certain foods. Definition In an allergy, the body reacts excessively to a certain substance – the allergen. Since the allergen is actually … Allergies in children

Eye drops against an allergy

Introduction Allergies such as hay fever are often accompanied by disturbing symptoms in the eye area. Itching as well as watery reddened eyes can significantly affect everyday life. There are therefore various eye drop preparations that can help to alleviate these symptoms. They contain various anti-allergic agents. Most of them are available without a prescription … Eye drops against an allergy

These eye drops with cortisone are available | Eye drops against an allergy

These eye drops with cortisone are available Eye drops containing cortisone are used rather cautiously for the treatment of allergic complaints. This is partly due to the fact that cortisone preparations can cause numerous side effects when used over a longer period of time. In addition, there are numerous other preparations available for the treatment … These eye drops with cortisone are available | Eye drops against an allergy

Eye drops in single drops or from the bottle? | Eye drops against an allergy

Eye drops in single drops or from the bottle? Many of the mentioned anti-allergic eye drops are available either as a larger bottle or in so-called single-dose ophtioles. Usually one package then contains 5 to 30 such single doses. They contain only a few drops and are usually intended for single use. This means that … Eye drops in single drops or from the bottle? | Eye drops against an allergy

Damaged bronchi in the baby | Mucus in the bronchi

Damaged bronchi in the baby Babies are more susceptible to infections because of their not yet fully developed immune system. Particularly in the winter months, they often suffer from respiratory infections. Bronchitis is characteristically associated with the formation of mucus in the bronchi. In babies and infants, this is often associated with a narrowing of … Damaged bronchi in the baby | Mucus in the bronchi

Mucus in the bronchi

Introduction The production of mucus is something quite natural. The mucus is produced by the mucous membrane of the bronchi, as well as the nasal mucosa. The mucus is transported from the bronchial tubes into the throat via the so-called ciliated epithelium, small movable hairs. This is then swallowed down so that it reaches the … Mucus in the bronchi

Vividrin® acute nasal spray

Introduction – What is Vividrin Acute Nasal Spray? The Vividrin acute nasal spray is an anti-allergic/antihistamine used for hay fever. Vividrin contains 0.14 mg of azelastine hydrochloride as the active ingredient per spray. This blocks the histamine receptors in the body that are responsible for triggering the allergic reaction, thus reducing the allergy symptoms. In … Vividrin® acute nasal spray

Interaction with other drugs | Vividrin® acute nasal spray

Interaction with other drugs For the application of Vividrin® acute nasal spray no interactions are known so far. Azelastine, which is also available in tablet form, can enhance the effects of other antihistamines, sleeping pills or opioid painkillers. In general, the consumption of alcohol should be avoided when using medication, as this can also increase … Interaction with other drugs | Vividrin® acute nasal spray

Home remedies against allergies

An allergy is a defensive reaction of the body’s own immune system against harmless environmental substances. Such a reaction manifests itself, for example, on the skin or in the lungs and can only be an outbreak, but can also lead to many years of illness. Hay fever and asthma are among the most common lung … Home remedies against allergies