Exercises for the shoulder/neck with the Flexibar Swinging Bar | Flexible vibrating rod

Exercises for the shoulder/neck with the Flexibar Swinging Bar More exercises can be found under: Exercises against shoulder pain Stand approximately shoulder-wide and spread both arms 90° to the sides, turn the palms of your hands towards the ceiling and take the Flexibar in one hand. Keep elbows slightly flexed and hold this position for … Exercises for the shoulder/neck with the Flexibar Swinging Bar | Flexible vibrating rod

Entry into strength training | Strength training and weight loss

Entry into strength training If you start with a strength training you should not overdo it directly, but start with small weights and thus get to know your strength development. Only when you have determined your training level should you start to draw up a training plan. With the training frequency you should also approach … Entry into strength training | Strength training and weight loss

Number of sets and repetitions | Strength training and weight loss

Number of sets and repetitions Comparing endurance sports with strength training in terms of weight reduction, the following conclusions can be drawn. Strength training tends to build muscle, whereas endurance training can lead to muscle loss, as some muscles are not or hardly ever used. The movement patterns are too one-sided in endurance sports to … Number of sets and repetitions | Strength training and weight loss

Training plan Definition of the musculature

Explanation This training plan is suitable to define the already built up musculature specifically. The training plan is based on the bodybuilding principle pre exhaustion in principle and works because of a pre-fatigue of the musculature. Two exercises are performed directly one after the other, which strain the same muscle. The first set is done … Training plan Definition of the musculature

Strength training at home

Every year about half of the Germans decide to do more sports. Nevertheless, most of them cannot keep their good intentions and cannot overcome their inner bastard to actually go to the gym more often. Apart from exhaustion by the everyday life also the high membership dues and particularly for corpulent humans the fear to … Strength training at home

Strength training and the right nutrition | Strength training at home

Strength training and the right nutrition As with strength training in the gym, a diet for muscle building requires sufficient protein and a certain amount of excess calories. On the other hand, if you want to lose weight, you should consume fewer calories than you burn and aim for a negative energy balance. It makes … Strength training and the right nutrition | Strength training at home

Training plan fat burning through strength training

Explanation Strength training for targeted fat burning should always be considered in addition to endurance training. Since the pause length between the individual sets is only 30 seconds, many exercises can be completed in a short time. The pause length between the individual stations should not exceed the time of approx. 1 minute. The training … Training plan fat burning through strength training